Ross K. Nichols

Author, Explorer, Researcher, Teacher

As we approach the first anniversary of the tragic events of October 7th, 2023, I’ve been reflecting on the significance of dates in Jewish history. The Jewish people have a deep-seated practice of remembering dates, whether for moments of joy or sorrow—an enduring tradition of keeping track of pivotal events across millennia. From the destruction of the First and Second Temples to the celebrations of Purim and Hanukkah, the Jewish people are constantly “keeping score.”

This thought led me to consider the Maccabean Revolt, a story of miraculous victory that arose from what seemed to be insurmountable odds. The Maccabees transformed a date of planned destruction into one of triumph. The more I pondered the story, the more I began to see the potential parallels with our modern situation—especially when considering Israel’s current geopolitical challenges.

If I were in charge of a response to Iran, I might look at October 7th, 2024, as a strategic date. What if, on the very day that Iran’s proxy Hamas executed its heinous attack, Israel turned the tables? What if that date became one where Israel exacted a calculated response—delivering a message to its enemies that these moments are never forgotten and that such acts of aggression will have lasting consequences?

These are my musings as I reflect on history, tradition, and strategy, shared with some help from AI (ChatGPT). I’ll leave you with some further thoughts on this idea: Hanukkah, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Maccabees—a narrative that links ancient resilience to modern strength.

Drawing a parallel between the story of the Maccabees and modern-day events is compelling due to the historic symmetry and symbolic significance. The narrative of the Maccabees revolves around the Jewish people’s miraculous victory over their oppressors, who sought to eliminate their religious and cultural identity. In a dramatic twist, what was meant to be a date of destruction for the Jewish people instead became a time of triumph and victory.

Similarly, one could argue that October 7, 2023, marks a significant date in modern Israeli history. The unexpected attack by Hamas on Israel, which resulted in loss and suffering, could be viewed as a parallel to the adversities faced by the Jews in the Maccabean period. However, in the story of the Maccabees, the Jewish people turned the tables against their enemies, securing a future for themselves.

A compelling case could be made by examining the potential for Israel to use this anniversary to strike back decisively—not only against the immediate threat of Hamas but perhaps against those believed to be backing such militant groups, namely Iran. Israel has long considered Iran’s influence in the region, including its support for proxy groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, to be a primary threat to its security. A strategic response on October 7, 2024, exactly one year after the initial attack, would serve as a statement: a symbolic reclaiming of power and a demonstration of Israel’s resilience and strength.

The Case for October 7, 2024:

Symbolism and Message: Reclaiming October 7 as a day of victory rather than defeat sends a strong message of resolve to Israel’s enemies. Just as the Maccabees transformed a date of oppression into one of celebration, Israel could redefine the narrative, showcasing its ability to strike decisively and turn the tide.

Operational Rationale: The timing could align with military strategy, signaling to Iran and its proxies that there will be severe consequences for actions against Israel. A carefully calculated operation on this date would show that Israel is capable of long-term planning and precise execution.

Psychological Impact: On both a national and international level, such a move would have a profound psychological impact. For Israelis, it would be a reminder of their historical resilience. For Israel’s adversaries, it would signal that actions against the state will not be forgotten or go unanswered.

Historical Parallels: The Maccabean story is one of the most celebrated in Jewish tradition, remembered each year during Hanukkah as a testament to the survival and victory of the Jewish people against overwhelming odds. Echoing this narrative in modern times would create a sense of historical continuity, reinforcing the idea that, like their ancestors, the people of Israel will always prevail.

International Perception: A well-justified military response tied to this date could frame Israel’s actions not merely as retaliation but as a calculated measure of justice. If paired with diplomatic efforts to explain the significance of the date and the necessity of the action, it could potentially garner support or at least understanding from international actors.


While the idea of orchestrating a response on the anniversary of the October 7 attack is laden with both opportunity and risk, it offers a powerful narrative. Drawing on the historical memory of the Maccabees, Israel could turn the tables on its enemies in a dramatic reversal, reclaiming not only the date but the narrative—showing that the Jewish people, as in antiquity, are capable of transforming adversity into victory.